Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mass Effect 2 Review

Better late than never. Mass Effect 2 takes place in an outstanding universe. Characters are well developed and their conflicts make you submerge in their history. The story is SUPERB (better than many movies), graphics are excellent, and gameplay is great (not entirely fluid). The only drawback is the slow paced resource mining. If loading times are a problem, just install BOTH discs on your hard drive. It will not eliminate the waiting, but it will sure reduce it. Also, with all the variety of the main character's classes, you'll be playing this game more than twice. This game totally stands up to Bioware's excellent reputation. Every XBOX gamer should have this game in their collection.
GC SCORE: 9/10

Monday, April 26, 2010

XBOX or PS3?

I like XBOX because it's easier to find games that logs two accounts at the same time. This provides excellent split screen fun with my wife. There are also excellent exclusive titles that are worthy of playing in XBOX. What I don't like about XBOX is the fact that it's manufactured and designed partially by FLEXTRONICS (poor quality manufacturer) and the additional costs of owning and XBOX (online subscriptions, adapters, batteries, etc.)

The PS3 has also excellent exclusive titles and it has technologies and capabilities that are not available on XBOX (fast recalculation of environments like the ones use in GOD OF WAR 3- please search POPULAR MECHANICS article on this matter-). SONY STORE game content can sometime cost less than XBOX's MARKETPLACE (like UNCHARTED 2 DLC). It has also free online multiplayer and included accesories. PS3 has also better build quality. The PS3 has limited split screen fun and doesn't have the online party feature.

I have played both systems more than 28 hours straight. My XBOX had RROD and burned my SAMSUNG 32 in LCD's power supply playing BORDERLANDS 32 hours straight with my wife. I give my PS3 the same overload but with DRAGON AGE, and it hasn't broken... yet.

I recommend that if you have the money to buy both consoles, buy them. Not having one of them is missing out part of gaming history. For XBOX buy exclusive and split screen titles. Buy PS3 for everything else. Remember, MICROSOFT only brands the XBOX and manages all the marketing and programming, but XBOX is truly FLEXTRONICS's console. This is the reason XBOX has a very high failure rate. I also recommend MICROSOFT to look for a high end manufacturer for its next generation console. Hope this opinion helps.